Saturday, September 3, 2011

Our First Week on the Road....

Having made it through Hurricane Irene (or Much To Do About Nothing Hurricane) we took off on Monday, August 29 heading out Route 80 and made to Wauseon Ohio for the night at Sunny's Campground. So much for GPS accuracy taking us about 5 miles in the wrong direction.

We stopped at the Indiana National Sand Dunes which was interesting, but the park guard suggested lunch at Wagners Rib Shack which was an unexpected treat.

Brother Bill's The Sonz!Arrived at Janice's brother, Bill and sister-in-law, Robby's early evening. The GPS lead us there with ease this time. Although tired we had lots to catch up on. Next day we toured Madison's beautiful Capital Bldg. wondered the farmer's market, tour of Bill's office at the university (which he is now retired as head of the water chemistry dept) and ice cream on the Lake. We also saw friends and nephew, Brant and Mandy and kids Maxwell and Hayden. The weekend took us to Bill's cabin in Wisconsin Amish Country. This is the "Bunk 2" some  family members will understand.  (Rob!!!) At least there is elec. but not much else.  Oh and no outhouse- composting toilet right in it's own bathroom!  Bill has some ingenious set-ups for water. But pictures show how relaxing it was.

Thanks Bill & Robby for a fun time and great food too!