Zion refers to a specific location to which members of the millennial church are to be gathered together to live. The Mormons were were the first white men to discover the area and name it so appropriately I think.
If you’re like us and are concerned about how the federal government squanders our hard earned tax dollars; we were finally somewhat calmed by the National Park System operations. Zion is an excellent example of a well thought out and executed park operation; as evidenced primarily with its trails, roads and transportation system. Though it is wisely outsourced to a private company; there are no private vehicles in the park and propaned-fueled double buses shuttle people to about 12 different stops with pick ups every 10 minutes. Even Springdale , the bordering village enjoys the same free service.
We treated ourselves to the Imax presentation which really helped prepare us with the history and geologic background on the area. Obviously the large screen and stunning photography allowed us to really appreciate
As far as the beauty and splendor of this precious piece of God’s earth, we’re not able to describe the majesty in either words or picture. Instead we’ll merely offer this quote copied from an amazingly talented local photographer, Michael Fatali (www.fatali.com):
“To Look at the Wonders of this Creation, Is to Look into the Heart of God”………….
Zion refers to a specific location to which members of the millennial church are to be gathered together to live.